Regarding your April 3, 1974 inquiry on acceptance of patron checks by letter carriers, Section 142.126 of Handbook F-1, financial and Cost Controls specifies that, "Checks may be accepted in payment for COD charges under the same conditions as for other postal charges and services." In determining the acceptability of checks for payment of COD charges, letter carriers should be guided by local practice as expressed in the postmaster's instructions. A letter carrier should refuse to accept a check which does not meet the requirements set by the postmaster. The liability of letter carriers in situations involving acceptance of customer checks for COD charges is governed by the provisions of Article XXVIII, Employer Claims, of the National Agreement.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  None

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , F-1 , Checks , COD Charges

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