We mutually agreed that there was no interpretive dispute between the parties at the National level as to the meaning and intent of Article 1 of the National Agreement, as it relates to making employee badge cards available to employees 5 minutes prior to their begin tour. It is our understanding that the interpretive aspect of the 5 minute-leeway dispute has been decided. Part 145.11 of the Time and Attendance Manual states, in part, "although each employee is required to clock in or, out on time, congestion at time clocks or other conditions can sometimes cause clock time to vary slightly from established work schedule. Therefore, a deviation may be allowed from the scheduled time for each clock ring up to 0.08 hours (5 minutes)." Management has the option of making the badge cards available to employees at anytime less than 5 minutes dependent upon the amount of congestion at time clocks or other conditions which may arise. Whether the fact circumstances of this case would justify more than the 2 minutes allowed for employees to clock on in this case is a matter to be determined at the lowel level. Accordingly, as further agreed, this case is hereby remanded to Step 3 for further processing by the parties at that level.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C5KC4541

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , F-21 , 5 Minute-Leeway

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