The question in this grievance is whether or not management violates Article 36 of the 1981 National Agreement as it relates to travel allowances while assigned to postal military units. A 50 cents per day travel allowance paid to employees assigned by bid to Sheppard AFB for many years was discontinued in this local office because of an alleged conflict with current F-1 Bandbook regulations. Part 433.441 of the F-1 Handbook states, "On receipt of notice of establishment of postal units at military, defense or other strategic installations from the Regional Postmaster General, postmasters may authorize employees detailed from post offices to the units an allowance, instead of actual expenses, of not more than $4 for each day while so detailed." It is the position of the Postal Service that employees are not authorized an allowance if they are not on detail. While the Postal Service intends to correct any misapplication of regulations in such cases, it also intends to be fair and reasonable to those already receiving payment. Thus, those employees paid the travel allowance prior to May 28, 1982, will continue to be paid as long as they remain in this bid assignment; however, payment will be discontinued when filling future vacancies of this type and the job postings will so state. If you concur with the Postal Service's position as stated above, we can remand this case for any appropriate application at the local level.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C3AC10417

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , F-10 , Travel

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