The provisions of the ELM are the policy provisions that govern travel while the provisions of the F-10 are specific directions that pertain to the responsibilities of the traveler. Management always approves travel. Frequently, the development of the individual's travel itinerary is delegated to the traveler with final approval reserved by management. In special cases, management could make some or all of the travel arrangements. However, in all cases, the respective traveler and management are expected to communicate in such a manner so each understands the other's requirements and/or needs. Regardless, official business travel should always entail efficient scheduling which meets the needs of the Postal Service and as it relates to the mission of the specific travel. (APWU Inquiry Attached)

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  None

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , ELM , F-10 , Travel

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