The issue in this grievance is whether or not management violates Article XXXVII of the National Agreement, and the provisions of the Postal
Manual, Part 333.3136 by requiring, in this instant grievance, that adjustable platform stools (rest bars) be at maximum angle. We fail to see any relationship to Article XXXVII in this grievance. Part 333.314, Postal Manual has been superseded by Part 333.214 Postal Service Manual and Part 431.253 Postal Operations Manual which are basically the same. Our position on the use of rest bars is that they shall not be used in the flat position, except when the employee has a documented physical infirmity. They may be used at other inclined angles, so long as the angle does not preclude the employee from reaching all separations without change of position and without loss of production. For a person of average height, maximum angle (last.slot) appears to be the best position; however, it is not our policy that all rest bars will be maintained· at maximum angle for all employees. Local policy should be clarified if there is any misunderstanding. Ne rei1lind those concerned that the final determination of
whether or not a particular positioning prevents the employee from reaching all separations, or is resulting in loss of production will be made by the supervisor. To the extent stated above, the grievant shall be allowed to adjust the rest bar. This grievance is considered resolved.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  C8C4HC18358

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , PO-401 , P-13 , Rest Bars

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