We mutually agreed that there was no interpretive dispute between the parties at the National level as to the meaning and intent of Article 19 of the National Agreement, as it relates to the duties of sweeper-tyers, specifically, assigning them the responsibility of collecting.and weighing erroneous LSM mail. It is our understanding that the duties referenced by this grievance may reasonably be considered as allied to the operation of the machine and may be performed by sweeper-tyers. Appropriate guidance in this regard is contained in Part 452.3 of the M-54 Handbook. Accordingly, as further agreed, this case is hereby remanded back to Step 3 for further processing by the parties at that level.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C4AC1244

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , PO-405 , M-54 , Weighing Mail

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