The question in this grievance is whether management can assign specific allied duties to ledgeloaders when 12 consoles are in operation. These duties include relief of operators for personal needs and for rotation purposes; and other allied duties of disposing of non-machineable mail, sweeping the Zero and 400 bins, and procuring additional mail for processing. The matters presented by you as well as the applicable contractual provisions have been reviewed and given careful consideration. The Union contends that the above-referenced duties are not ledgeloaders' duties and that there is no unproductive time to perform these duties when more than 10 consoles are in operation. It is the position of the U.S. Postal Service that the above-referenced duties are already a portion of the Distribution Clerk-Machine, MPLSM duties as contained in the Standard Position Description (SP2-633) and described in the MPLSM training and operating manuals (P-24, M-54, M-15). As such these duties may properly be assigned to a qualified ledgeloader, in addition to the primary duty of loading console ledges.

I suggest that because the MPLS operation is so widely distributed :among our facilities, it does not permit the establishment of a single policy that will cover each and every situation in each and every office. Rather, the handling of problems that arise from the assignment of allied duties should be handled on a case-by-case basis after evaluating the fact circumstances involved. For this reason, I believe that this case does not fairly present a National Interpretive issue. Based upon the above considerations and the case file, I have determined that management is properly assigning the cited duties to ledgeloaders. Therefore, this grievance is denied.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H8C4BC35886

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , PO-405 , M-54 , Allied Duties , Zero Bins , 400 Bins

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