The issue in this grievance is whether the provisions of Handbook PO-405T (October 1986) are fair, reasonable and equitable. During the discussion, it was mutually agreed that the following would represent full and complete settlement of this case:

1. As the current Apple II computer hardware is upgraded, appropriate software will be provided which will allow errors that are made during a run to appear in the very next run performed by the trainee.

2. Instructions regarding the use of "unique disks" will be incorporated into the P0-405T as follows:
314.23 Unique Lesson Disks
"A trainer may find it useful to create a unique lesson disk to provide drill on a particular portion of an application. Training time for keying the lesson on the unique lesson disk is part of the 47 or 32 allotted hours."

382.22 More Than 10 Scheme Item Changes
Delete last sentence. Add "Trainer should create a unique lesson disk as described in the Introduction to CAKT Training Units Manual under 'LINK' program."

3, Instructions will be issued to the field advising PEDCs to use split address ranges for the purpose of eliminating major sections of nonexistent addresses.

4. Printed copies of the error listing generated at the end of each lesson will be provided to the trainee at his or her request. Copies of the listing will not be removed from the PEDC. Immediate implementation of this feature is contingent upon the current hardware's ability to accommodate the necessary programming, If it is found that the current hardware cannot accommodate this change, then the change will be implemented when the hardware is upgraded. Where the provisions of this settlement are dependent on the upgrading of computer hardware, such upgrading will will be tested during the first quarter of Fiscal Year 1988 and implemented during the following quarter.

Document Type:  National Pre-Arbitration Settlement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1CNAC24

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , PO-405T

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