The issue in this case is whether management violates Article 19 of the National Agreement and Section 410 of the M-54 Handbook (Letter Sorting Machines) when two sweeper-tyers are assigned to a MPSLM during the first 15 minutes of operation. It is the position of the USPS that under the present M-54 provisions, a minimum of 3 sweeper-tyers will be used when the MPLSM is operating with twelve consoles and is in full production. The facts, as indicated in the case file, show that at the time in question the MPLSM was not in full production, but rather in the initial start-up phase. The operation had just started with a clean sweep side; therefore, a third sweeper-tyer would have been underutilized. This would have resulted in a loss of productivity. Based upon the foregoing, we have determined that the staffing in question was consistent with the M-54 provisions for efficient day-to-day operation. Therefore, this grievance is denied.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C5GC5421

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , PO-405 , Sweepers Start Up

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