The issue in this grievance is the Postal Service's implementation of the MPLSM Edit Reports and Procedures Utilization (which had been identified previously as the "vital Few") program in the Northeast Region. In settlement of this grievance the following is agreed to regarding the administration of the subject program:

1. EASE is a quick check conducted by management to monitor the mail sent to to certain high error bins on the MPLSM. It is a quick method of locating potential console, machine or personnel problems.
2. EASE case checks will not be used to measure individual operator proficiency or to discipline employees. They will however identify operators who are having keying problems so that special EDITS may be performed as necessary.
3. Discussions arising as a result of the subject.procedures will be held with the keyer's immediate supervisor, general supervisor or Tour Superintendent. It is further agreed that these discussions will take place in a positive and constructive atmosphere and will not be used to harass employees. The purpose of these discussions is to aid operators who are having keying problems.
4. At no time should it be implied that this program replaces the official EDIT procedures.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1CNAC118

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Handbooks and Manuals , PO-407 , M-16 , EDIT , EASE

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