The grievance concerns whether the grievant is entitled to work clothes allowance pursuant to the provision of Part 580,
ELM. The grievant contends that as an incoming flats clerk, he is used on a daily basis to work the culling belt, dump sacks and push skids. It is the position of the Postal Service that the work clothes program was specifically developed for clerk craft employees who work full-time in the following units pursuant to Part 582.13 (b), ELM.
1. Ordinary Paper Sacking Units
2. Parcel Post Distribution Unit (Manual)
3. Pouching and Dispatching Unit Clerks
The record in this case reveals that the grievant does not work full-time in a unit currently listed. However, postmasters or installation heads are authorized to purchase aprons locally on an as needed basis for those employees who work on assignments involving dirty work, but do not qualify for work clothes. Accordingly, as we find no violation of the National Agreement, this grievance is denied to the extent that the grievant is requesting work cloth allowance.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C1AC20831

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Uniforms and Work Clothes , Clothing Allowance

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