The question in this grievance is whether or not management violates Article 28 of the 1981 National Agreement by its implementation of the Robbery Money Order Bait Program. The local union's concern is that the Postal Service has added unnecessary risk and responsibility to window clerk positions. The Robbery Money Order Bait Program is a management program which is designed to enhance robbery investigations and facilitate the prompt apprehension of postal robbers. The American Postal Workers Union at the national level was consulted on the program. No unnecessary risk or responsibility is involved in the handling of the bait money orders when instructions are followed. The face value of bait money orders is not added to an employee's accountability, even though they are maintained in the clerk's cash drawer. However, the money orders must be verified each time a stamp credit count is made. Each clerk receiving bait money orders will place and retain them within his/her cash drawer in accord with specific instructions for the type of cash drawer used. When a bait money order is lost, a letter of demand for the dollar value of the lost money order will not be issued. However, the circumstances surrounding the loss will be investigated by the Postal Inspectors. If the employee is determined to be at fault by reason of failure to follow specific instructions relative to the handling of bait money orders or by criminal involvement, appropriate corrective action will result. If a robbery does occur, the employee should give the robber the bait money orders along with the cash. It is stressed that no one is to take any action that will jeopardize their personal safety, which is most important. Based upon the policy stated above, we mutually agreed that all matters of concern in this grievance are resolved.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C1MC4024

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Employer Claims , Bait Money Orders

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