The issue in this case is whether employees are being properly trained in the handling of food coupons. During the discussion, it was agreed that employees assigned and responsible for processing food coupons are to be provided training following the guidelines in Handbook TD-106A, Issuing Food Coupons, to meet the needs of the particular office. It was also agreed that without prejudice to the position of either party on similar issues, the letter of demand for $2.00 is to be cancelled. Finally, it was agreed that this case is to be remanded to the parties at Step 3 where a determination based on the facts involved is to be made relative to the procedures being followed in Spokane. Accordingly, the case is remanded for further processing including arbitration if necessary.

Document Type:  National Pre-Arbitration Settlement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H4C5DC16670

Tags: Employer Claims , Food Stamps

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