The issue in this grievance is whether management can deduct a salary overpayment in excess of $200 prior to the final disposition of a grievance challenging the demand for the overpayment. The facts in this case indicate that the grievant was paid a salary overpayment of $1,039.14. The grievant was informed of the demand but she did not make arrangements to repay the overpayment. The grievant filed a grievance protesting the demand. While the grievance was being processed, the Postal Service began deducting $40.00 per period from the grievant's pay to repay the overpayment. The union contends that Article 28, Section 4.A, requires the Postal Service to delay collection of this demand until final disposition of the grievance protesting the demand for repayment. It is the position of the Postal Service that Article 28, Section 4.A, does not pertain to salary overpayments. Section 4.A specifically addresses demands made pursuant to Sections 1, 2 and 3. These sections do not deal with salary overpayments. Based upon the above considerations, this grievance is denied.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C5FC20576

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Employer Claims , Letter of Demand , Salary Overpayment

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