Our position with respect to the suspension of the grievant's SF-46 in the particular circumstances which existed on June 11, 1976, remain unchanged. However, with regard to the memorandum notice on "vehicle accidents" issued under the date of May 19, 1976, which was also questioned in this grievance. It is our position that the notice is inconsistent with existing policies and guidelines set forth in Handbook M-52. At the present time, there is no provision for the automatic suspension of an employee's SF-46 when the employee is involved in the types of accidents listed in 1-4 of the referenced notice. Accordingly, by copy of this letter, the postmaster is instructed to rescind the notice on "vehicle accidents" dated May 19, 1976.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  NCW4241, W145376N

Tags: Limitation On Revocation Of Driving Privileges , SF-46

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