The question in this grievance is whether or not management violated Article XXXI of the National Agreement when it denied a steward's request for copies of examination material. In the instant case, the shop steward requested copies of a Clerk Stenographer examination. He was told that the local office did not keep such information on file. Under the provisions of the 1978 National Agreement, Unions have access to review documents or other records necessary to the processing of a grievance. Such information is only made available for inspection, however, in a manner in keeping with the Employee and Labor Relations (E&LR} Manual, Parts 313.54 and 313.61. The records requested were not on file in the local office and appeared to come under the restriction of the E&LR Manual, Part 313.61d. Accordingly, as we find no violation of the National Agreement, this grievance is denied.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H8C3WC27453

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Union-Management Cooperation , information requests

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