USPS Position Letter: Article 34; Work and/or Time Standards (1988)

Work and/or Time Standards , Label Count , CFS , Computer Forwarding Units , comparative standard

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The issue in these grievances is whether management violated the provisions of Article 34 of the National Agreement. The union contends that management is improperly requiring CFS employees to keep label count sheets and that this implies a comparative standard has been set. It is our position that no national interpretive issue involving the terms and conditions of the National Agreement is fairly presented in these cases. However, inasmuch as the union did not agree, the following represents the decision of the Postal Service on the particular fact circumstances involved. The record evidence indicates that local management required completion of label count sheets for operational purposes not related to employee work and/or time standards as alleged. Further, no comparative standard has been set nor is the action grieved in violation of Article 34 of the National Agreement. Based upon the above consideration these grievances are denied.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H4C4AC30350, H4C4AC32328

Craft:  Maintenance

Tags: Work and/or Time Standards , Label Count , CFS , Computer Forwarding Units , comparative standard

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