The issue in this grievance is whether the grievant was improperly passed over for conversion to a full-time regular position. The facts in this case indicate that the grievant was hired as a PTF Markup Clerk-Automated (PS-4) on December 26, 1981. Another clerk, Bray, was hired as a PTF Distribution Clerk (PS-5) on January 9, 1932. On March 20, 1982, Clerk Bray was converted to a full-time regular Distribution Clerk (PS-5) position and the grievant remained in PTF status as a Markup Clerk-Automated (PS-4 ). The union contends that conversion to full-time regular in the clerk craft is on a strict seniority date basis except for conversion to a letter sorting machine position. It is the position of the Postal Service that part-time flexible clerks are converted to full-time regular in accordance with their standing on the part-time flexible rolls. There are several part-time flexible rolls for the clerk craft. Effectively, there is a part-time flexible roll for each position in the clerk craft that has a hiring register. Each register/roll has separate examination and qualification requirements. Article 37, Section 2(D)3, establishes part-time flexible rolls in the clerk craft. An individual clerk may be on more than one roll within the same salary level, if he/she has meet the qualification requirements of the respective registers. For example, a clerk could be on a roll for each of the following positions: Clerk-Stenographer, Clerk-Carrier and Distribution Clerk-Machine. Conversion to full-time status is contingent upon the needs of the individual installation. When a vacancy for a specific position is identified, then the PTF on the roll for that position with the earliest career appointment date in the clerk craft in that installation would be converted to full-time status. A thorough review of this grievance indicates that the grievant was not on the appropriate part-time flexible roll at the time Clerk Bray was converted. Based upon the foregoing consideration, this grievance is hereby denied.

Document Type:  USPS Position Letter

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C3WC13974

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: seniority , 37.2.D.5 , Rolls

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