The issue raised in this case involved whether or not management violated the National Agreement by permitting a supervisor to be reassigned to a full-time position in the clerk craft. Our review of the information contained in the file disclosed that the action affected in this instance was not contrary to provisions of the National Agreement. Specifically, Article XXXVII, Section 2, of the National Agreement contains provisions which allow for the return of an employee from a position for which selection was made on a best qualified basis to a craft other than the one the employee left. Moreover, the referenced section of the National Agreement does not preclude an employee from returning to a craft position in an installation other than the one in which the employee formerly served in a craft position. It was mutually agreed to withdraw this case from the national pending arbitration listing without prejudice to the position of either party.

Document Type:  National Pre-Arbitration Settlement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H8C3DC25278

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: seniority , 37.2.D.6.D

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