The grievance involved the procedures followed in reverting position no. M-106.4. During our discussion, we agreed to apply the Step 4 settlement reached on grievance no. H1C-NA-C 81. That settlement provided the following:

1. Normally, a duty assignment, once it has been posted for bid, will be filled consistent with 524.1 of the P-11 Handbook.
2. There may be, on occasion, exceptions wherein the Postal Service may leave vacant a duty assignment after it has been posted and no bids were received or there were no successful bidders. However, these exceptions must be operationally justified, and will be limited to changes such as those occurring through mechanization and technological changes, transportation changes, etc.
We also agreed that in applying the above, if the assignment was converted to Level 5 as a result of the arbitration award no. HlC-NA-C28 on Level 4 mail distributors, it is to be reposted. If not, no further action is required. Accordingly, this case is remanded to Step 3 for compliance with the foregoing.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C4GC32387

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Posting , Bidding , and Application , 37.3.A.1 , Posted Then Reverted , Reverted After Posting , Filling Posted Bids

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