The issue in this grievance is whether management properly utilized an acting supervisor on his non scheduled day in a craft overtime assignment. After further review of this matter, we agreed that there was no national interpretive issue fairly presented as to the meaning and intent of Article 8 of the National Agreement. The parties at this level agree that an acting supervisor 204b shall not be utilized in lieu of a bargaining-unit employee for the purpose of bargaining-unit overtime. PS Form 1723 is the controlling document which shows the approximate time and date(s) an employee begins and ends the detail. Management may amend Form 1723 in order to have an acting supervisor perform craft work or to reflect a break in serving the detail. However, the local union is still entitled to a copy of Form 1723, Notice of Assignment, in accordance with Article 41, Section 1.A.2., of the 1981 National Agreement. Accordingly, we agreed to remand this case to Step 3 for further consideration by the parties. If the parties are unable to resolve this issue, this case is suitable for regional arbitration.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1N3UC34249

Tags: Posting , Bidding , and Application , 37.3.A.8 , PS Form 1723 , 1723 Frequency

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