Step 4 Settlement Agreement: Article 37.3.F.11; Posting, Bidding, and Application (1984)

Posting , Bidding , and Application , 37.3.F.11 , MPLSN Operators , Breaks

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The question raised in this grievance involved an allegation that full-time regular MPLSN operators were being displaced from their duty assignments when PTF employees were utilized to key mail while the FTR employees were on break.  After further review of this matter, the parties at Step 4 mutually agreed that while PTF's may be utilized to operate the MPLSM's; whether or not the full-time regular employees were being displaced could only be determined by full development of the fact circumstances involved.  Therefore, this case was remanded to the parties at Step 3 for further processing.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  H1C3TC27726

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: Posting , Bidding , and Application , 37.3.F.11 , MPLSN Operators , Breaks

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