MOU on Serving Suspensions

MOU giving details on implementing changes to Article 16 Suspensions--that they will not be served until grievance procedure has been completed.

Article 16 , Discipline , Suspensions , Serving Suspension

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The parties agree that the effective date for implementing the new language in Article 16 Section 4 of the 1998 National Agreement will be July 12. 1999. Suspensions of fourteen (14) days O' less issued prior to JL1ly 12, 1999 are subject to. and will be administratively handled in accordance with the terms of Article 16 of the 1994 National Agreement. Any suspension issued on or after Jury 12, 1999 is subject to and will be administratively handled in accordance with the terms of Article 16 of the 1998 National Agreement

Document Type:  Memorandum of Understanding

Craft:  All CraftClerkMaintenanceMotor Vehicle ServiceSupport Services

Tags: Article 16 , Discipline , Suspensions , Serving Suspension

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