Sales Retention Team Case No. Q10C-4Q-C 14011344 Stephen B. Goldberg Award Settlement

Sales Retention Team Case No. Q10C-4Q-C 14011344 Stephen B. Goldberg Settlement Agreement. The Postal Service violated the 2010 Agreement by failing to assign newlycreated Sales Retention Team positions to the clerk craft.

SRT , Sales Retention Teams , Sales Retention Award , Goldberg Award

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Sales Retention Team Case No. Q10C-4Q-C 14011344 Stephen B. Goldberg Settlement Agreement. The Postal Service violated the 2010 Agreement by failing to assign newlycreated Sales Retention Team positions to the clerk craft.

Document Type:  Step 4 Agreement

APWU National Grievance Number:  Q10C-4Q-C 14011344

GATS Number:  14011344

Craft:  All CraftClerk

Arbitrator Name: Stephen Goldberg

Tags: SRT , Sales Retention Teams , Sales Retention Award , Goldberg Award

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Sales Retention Team Case No. Q10C-4Q-C 14011344 Stephen B. Goldberg Award

December 8, 2016

Sales Retention Team Case No. Q10C-4Q-C 14011344 Stephen B. Goldberg Award. The Postal Service violated the 2010 Agreement by failing to assign newlycreated Sales Retention Team positions to the clerk craft.

Document Type: Award

Craft: All Craft

Arbitrator Name: Stephen

APWU National Grievance Number: Q10C-4Q-C 14011344

SRT, Sales Retention Teams, Sales Retention Award, Goldberg Award