2018-2021 National Interest Arbitration Award - Collective Bargaining Agreement (Contract)

This Interest Arbitration Panel was convened pursuant to 39 U.S.C. Section 1207(c) of the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970 (PRA) to resolve an impasse over the terms of the next National Agreement between the United States Postal Service (Postal Service) and the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO (APWU or Union). In reaching its decision, the Panel has carefully considered the arguments and evidence submitted by the parties, relevant statutory provisions and their legislative history, past interest arbitration awards, and postal labor negotiations history. The Panel appreciates the vigorous and constructive role undertaken by each of the parties as they advanced their respective positions.

2018-2021 Contract , APWU Contract

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The 2015 National Agreement between the Postal Service and APWU expired on September 20, 2018. Despite extensive negotiations and mediation under 39 U.S.C. § 1207(b), the parties were unable to agree on terms for a new National Agreement. This Panel was established to resolve their impasse, which includes issues of compensation, benefits, and working conditions. The Chairman of the Panel was mutually selected by the parties, who also designated their own members of the Panel. APWU appointed Phillip Tabbita, APWU Manager, Negotiations Support and Special Projects, and the Postal Service appointed Robert A. Dufek, Postal Service Manager, Labor Relations Strategies.

In lieu of pre-hearing briefs, the parties presented lengthy and informative opening statements and exhibits on September 4, 2019, setting forth what each viewed as the important issues in dispute, as well as how the Panel should decide those issues. Between September 4 and November 15, 2019, the Panel held thirteen days of hearing in Washington, D.C., during which both sides presented 3 numerous witnesses and exhibits. The transcript of hearing testimony is over 2,500 pages long, and is supplemented by written testimony, attorney presentations, and over 240 exhibits. Post-hearing briefs were filed on December 16, 2019.

Document Type:  APWU Contract

Craft:  All CraftClerkMaintenanceMotor Vehicle ServiceSupport Services

Arbitrator Name: Stephen Goldberg

Tags: 2018-2021 Contract , APWU Contract

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