Does this give employees day-to-day seniority rights? Yes, when moving Mall Processing Clerk employee(s) with the same skills out of theirprincipal assignment area, they will be moved byjuniority. Applying seniority in this manner is limited strictly to the provisions of the May 9, 2002 Memorandum of Understanding. What does day-to-day seniority mean forthis application? It means that when the employer determines a need to assign a Mall Processing Clerk employee or a number of Mall Processing Clerk employees from their principal assignment area in accordance with the May 9, 2002 MOU, the Mall Processing Clerk employees with the same skills are moved byjuniority (with the noted exception in Question I of the May 9, 2002 questions). As an example, there are two Mall Processing Clerk employees with the same skills in their duty assignment and the same principal assignment area; management determines it needs one of these Mall Processing Clerk employees to work outside the principal assignment area, When moving the Mall Processing Clerk employee, management will take thejunior Mail Processing Clerk employee with the skills. Again, applying seniority in this manner is limited to the terms of the May 9, 2002 MOU.
Document Type: Question & Answer
Craft: Clerk