From the Field
August 27, 2021
(This article first appeared in the September-October issue of the American Postal Worker magazine)
Below are quotes from various APWU local and state publications throughout the country. All the publications listed are part of the Postal Press Association (PPA). For more information on the PPA, visit or email
“Now is the time that you take stock, recognize the power of collective action, and decide to take back your power in the workplace and actively support the unions… Membership provides you access to the tools you need to make good choices and better understand the rules of the workplace; you share in the power of our sheer number. This power is only realized when you are actively engaged and working towards a shared vision.
The union is not an insurance policy that you activate when there is trouble, it is a dynamic organization that thrives on the talents of each individual and depends on a strong informational network to send and receive information. It is important now more than ever that you realize the critical role you play in maintaining power in the workplace. Failing in this moment not only puts your jobs at risk but posit ions you to be witnesses to the permanent demise of the Postal Service and the last vestige of true democracy in this country.” – Kimberly Karol, Iowa Postal Workers Union President, Iowa Postal Worker
“While the labor movement simply is not what it was 20 years ago, I know we can do better and we can do more. We are fortunate to have a union and everyone who enjoys the benefits of our being a unionized workforce should be contributing to the effort to not only maintain what we have, but to build the labor movement back up. Our struggle for better wages and working conditions is directly tied to the rise of the nonunion workforce. We are not in a position to tolerate non-members taking a free ride. They reap the benefits and must be held accountable.
We need everyone’s support if we are going to thrive in the future. APWU-represented employees have a distinct advantage over unrepresented employees in the postal workforce, thanks to the support of dues paying members. Members are encouraged to join forces in asking our nonmember co-workers to stand with us.” – Jerry Labinski, APWU of Wisconsin Director of Human Relations, Organization & Education, Badger Bulletin
“A labor union or trade union is an organized group of workers who unite to make decisions about conditions affecting their work. Labor unions strive to bring economic justice to the workplace and social justice to our nation. Each one of us who pays dues is the union. When I hear or read people say things like ‘the union’ it hurts. It makes me feel anything but united. And that is what management wants.
If we are not working together, they are winning. When they violate the contract and we pretend we don’t notice, they are winning. If they have you afraid to write a statement or request a steward, they are winning. Right about now you are thinking I am one person. What can I do? Well the first thing is changing that way of thinking. You are not one person; you are the union. If there is one clerk in your office or ten, every office should have a steward; someone who can put on that steward ‘cap’ granting them the ability to speak with management not as a subordinate, but an equal.” – Travis West, Washington American Postal Workers Union District 1 Representative, Evergreen State Postal Worker