2017-08-17 MOU Re Peak Season Exception Periods- 2017 Date Changes

Memorandum of Understanding Between the United States Postal Service And the American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO RE: Peak Season Exception Periods- 2017 Date Changes The parties understand that the 27 pay periods (PP) that occurred in calendar year 2015 resulted in the Peak Season Exception Periods (reporting periods 3 & 4) occurring approximately two weeks later than normal in calendar year 2016. A similar situation exists for 2017 with the exception periods occurring approximately two weeks later than normal. To ensure adequate coverage for peak season, the parties agree to change the 2017 Peak Season Exception Period as indicated below to accommodate customer service. Clerk Craft 1. The Peak Season Exception Period will be from November 11, 2017 (PP24) through January 5, 2018 (PP1). 2. In Function 4, Holiday Clerk Assistants (HCAs) will be hired for three consecutive pay periods within the exception period: either November 11 through December 22, 2017; or November 25, 2017 through January 5, 2018. 3. All HCAs for the 2017-2018 Peak Season Exception period will be paid at the hourly rate of $16.92. 4. The deadline for annuitants to apply for HCA positions will be extended to September 25. 5. This agreement does not extend the length of the exception periods. The parties agree to meet no later than July 1, 2018 to determine if similar changes need to be considered for subsequent peak seasons. 6. This adjustment to the Peak Season Exception Period does not change or amend any provisions of the MOU Re: Peak Season Exception Periods dated September 28, 2015, the Q&As for the MOURe: "Peak Season Exception Periods" dated November 3, 2015, and/or the MOU Re: Addendum to MOU Re: Peak Season Exception Periods and Questions and Answers Regarding "Peak Season Exception Periods" dated July 29, 2016. 7. In addition to previous information that is to be provided in accordance with the MOUs identified in item #6, the Postal Service will provide the APWU at the national level with the names of annuitants who applied to work as a HCA, their former craft, and their retirement date. The Postal Service will also indicate whether they were accepted or rejected for employment and the reason for the decision.

peak exception periods , Peak season exception periods , Holiday Clerk Assistants

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Memorandum of Understanding
Between the United States Postal Service
And the
American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO
RE: Peak Season Exception Periods- 2017 Date Changes
The parties understand that the 27 pay periods (PP) that occurred in calendar year 2015 resulted in the
Peak Season Exception Periods (reporting periods 3 & 4) occurring approximately two weeks later than
normal in calendar year 2016. A similar situation exists for 2017 with the exception periods occurring
approximately two weeks later than normal. To ensure adequate coverage for peak season, the parties
agree to change the 2017 Peak Season Exception Period as indicated below to accommodate customer
Clerk Craft
1. The Peak Season Exception Period will be from November 11, 2017 (PP24) through January 5,
2018 (PP1).
2. In Function 4, Holiday Clerk Assistants (HCAs) will be hired for three consecutive pay periods
within the exception period: either November 11 through December 22, 2017; or November 25,
2017 through January 5, 2018.
3. All HCAs for the 2017-2018 Peak Season Exception period will be paid at the hourly rate of
4. The deadline for annuitants to apply for HCA positions will be extended to September 25.
5. This agreement does not extend the length of the exception periods. The parties agree to meet
no later than July 1, 2018 to determine if similar changes need to be considered for subsequent
peak seasons.
6. This adjustment to the Peak Season Exception Period does not change or amend any provisions
of the MOU Re: Peak Season Exception Periods dated September 28, 2015, the Q&As for the
MOURe: "Peak Season Exception Periods" dated November 3, 2015, and/or the MOU Re:
Addendum to MOU Re: Peak Season Exception Periods and Questions and Answers Regarding
"Peak Season Exception Periods" dated July 29, 2016.
7. In addition to previous information that is to be provided in accordance with the MOUs identified
in item #6, the Postal Service will provide the APWU at the national level with the names of
annuitants who applied to work as a HCA, their former craft, and their retirement date. The
Postal Service will also indicate whether they were accepted or rejected for employment and the
reason for the decision.

Document Type:  Memorandum of Understanding

Craft:  Clerk

Tags: peak exception periods , Peak season exception periods , Holiday Clerk Assistants

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MOU Addendum: Peak Season Exception Periods - Additional Language and Q & A (2016)

Document Type: MOU Addendum

Craft: Clerk

PSEs, Holiday Clerk Assistants, Peak season exception periods

2016-07-29 MOU Re: Addendum to Peak Season Exception Periods and Q&A Re Peak Season Exception Periods

July 29, 2016

Addendum to MOURE: Peak Season Exception Periods and Questions and Answers Regarding "Peak Season Exception Periods" The parties agree to the following additional provisions to the MOU RE: Peak Season Exception Periods. This addendum will continue for the life of the MOU RE: Peak Season Exception Periods, except for item #5 which is solely applicable to the 2016-2017 exception periods. 1. The parties agree that Postal Support Employees can only be hired in accordance with the PSE MOU and related provisions of the current National Agreement. 2. The part1es acknowledge that there has been no agreement to create and post so-called ·Holiday PSEs". AI! PSEs are hired for a term not to exceed 360 calendar days per appointment. 3. !n accordance with Item #2 above, the improper Standard Position Description for a PSE (Holiday 'Nork/Term) with be removed from BQnet and cannot be referenced on a PS Form 50 for hiring purposes. 4. Beginning with the 2016 Peak Exception Period, the Designation/Activity (D/A) cede Holiday Clerk Assistants {HCAs) w11i be 6-17. 5. Due to having 27 pay periods (PP) in 2015, PP 1 2016 occurred later than normal. The result is that reporting periods 3 & 4 are approximately 2 weeks later this holiday season (November 26, 2016 through January 20, 2017) than normal Therefore, the parties agree to a one time fl10dification to change the 2016 peak exception period in Function 1 from November ! 2. 2016 through January 6, 2017. !n Function Four, HCAs will be hired from November 12 through December 23, 2016 or November 26. 2016 through January 6, 2017. This does not extend the length of the exception periods. This one time exception has been granted only for the purpose of union/management cooperation 1n good faith consideration of other outstanding disputes. 6. The parties agree that pursuant to the ~.10U Re: Peak Exception Periods, letters will be sent to eligible annuitants, notifying them of the PEP opportunity. :10 later than August 1 of each year. 7. The Postal Service w1H provide the APWU at the national !eve! with the number of annuitants hired, for APWU represented bargaining unit work, and hours utilized for each week of the exception period. This report will be in addition to Item #6 of the Peak Season Exception Period MOU. Both reports will be provided to the APWU at the national level no later than four weeks after the end of the Peak Exception Periods.

Document Type: Memorandum of Understanding

Craft: All Craft

peak exception periods, Peak season exception periods

9-28-15 Re: Peak Season Exception Periods

September 15, 2015

The parties agree to a peak season exception period for Function 4 as provided for below. These provisions are applicable and will continue until May 20, 2018, or for the term of the 2015 National Agreement, whichever is longer. 1. Beginning with the Fall 2015 mailing season the parties agree to an exception period of three consecutive pay periods during reporting periods 3 and 4 for the hiring of holiday clerk assistants in Function 4 retail/customer services. It is understood that these employees will not count towards the 20% District PSE cap. 2. In addition the parties agree that the Postal Service will establish appropriate procedures for the temporary reemployment of annuitants as holiday clerk assistants to provide supplemental support for the peak volume seasons applicable to Function 1 and Function 4. 3. The parties agree that holiday clerk assistants and annuitants reemployed pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 above, will be paid at the current hourly rate for grade 6 PSEs at the time of hire. Also, reemployed annuitants will be consistent with the statutory requirements under the National Defense Authorization Act. 4. Over the course of a service week, the Employer will make every effort to ensure that available Clerk Craft PTFs and PSEs are utilized at the straight-time rate prior to assigning such work to Holiday Clerk Assistants. 5. When an opportunity exists for overtime, full-time employees on the appropriate Overtime Desired List will be selected to perform such work prior to assigning holiday clerk assistants. The principles of Article 8.4.G. of the collective bargaining agreement will apply to holiday clerk assistants. 6. The Postal Service will provide the APWU at the national level with the number of holiday clerk assistants hired and hours utilized for each week of the exception period.

Document Type: Memorandum of Understanding

Craft: Clerk

Peak season exception periods

8-27-18 HCA Peak Season Exception Period 2018

August 27, 2018

The parties understand that the 27 pay periods (PP) that occurred in calendar year 2015 resulted in the Peak Season Exception Periods (reporting periods 3 & 4) occurring approximately two weeks later than normal in calendar year 2016 and 2017. A similar situation exists for 2018 with the exception periods occurring approximately two weeks later than normal. To ensure adequate coverage for peak season, the parties agree to change the 2018 Peak Season Exception Period as indicated below to accommodate customer service.

Document Type: Memorandum of Understanding

Craft: Clerk

Clerk Craft, Peak season exception periods, peak exception periods

11-3-15 APWU USPS Q and A on MOU Regarding Peak Season Exception Periods

November 3, 2015

APWU and USPS Questions and Answers MOU Regarding "Peak Season Exception Periods" The following questions and answers are provided for further clarification and guidance regarding the September 28, 2015 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Re; Peak Season Exception Periods, 1. Are Holiday Clerk Assistants (HCAs) Bargaining Unit Employees? Answer: No. While HCAs are not Bargaining Unit employees they will not be utilized in a manner that is inconsistent with those contractual provisions relative to PSEs. 2. Will Holiday Clerk Assistants be assigned a distinct 0/A Code? Answer: Yes 3. Does the "Peak Season E-exception Periods" apply to any high volume period other than reporting periods 3 and 4, such as Valentines' Day, Mothers' Day, etc.? Answer: No. 4. Why does the MOU refer to Exception Periods, in the plural? Answer: There are now two different Peak Season Exception Periods, one for Function 1 (Mail Processing) one for Function 4 (Retail.) The Function 1 Peak Season exception period is defined in the CBA as reporting periods 3 and 4 (Four pay periods.) The Function 4 Peak Exception Period is defined in the MOU as three consecutive pay periods within reporting periods 3 and 4. 5. What does the "In addition'' language mean in paragraph #2 of the MOU? Answer: "In addition" clarifies the fact. that Holiday Clerk Assistants can be hired under paragraph #1 and that they can also be hired as reemployed annuitants under paragraph #2. 6. Why is the National Defense Authorization Act referenced in the MOU? Answer: This is the Act that allows for the OPM Waiver of any potential penalties to retirement benefits if an annuitant assumes non-career assignments such as the Holiday Clerk Assistant position. 7. If a former PSE, who was separated for lack of work, declines a call back opportunity to work as a Function 1 PSE for the Peak Season Exception Period (or as a Holiday Clerk Assistant in Function 4), does he/she forfeit their standing on the retention list for reappointment as a PSE in accordance with page 290' of the 2010 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Answer: No.

Document Type: Question & Answer

Craft: Clerk

peak exception periods, Peak season exception periods, Clerk Craft, Holiday Clerk Assistants