Postal Vehicle Operators Pilot MOUs Expanded
November 14, 2024
The national parties have agreed upon additional MOUs for establishing and developing Postal Vehicle Operators (PVOs). The PVO position is intended to assign to the MVS craft the transportation of bulk quantities of mail without driving a vehicle that requires a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). The parties have agreed that these are career bargaining unit positions, and have agreed on the position description and qualifications standards.
The PVO pilot program is currently being implemented in the following cities:
- ARKANSAS (Little Rock, Batesville, Camden, Hot Springs National Park, Pine Bluff, Russellville)
- CALIFORNIA (Bakersfield, Santa Clarita)
- GEORGIA (Athens)
- NORTH CAROLINA (Greensboro, Boone, Morgantown, Newton, North Wilkesboro, Statesville)
- OHIO (Columbus, Athens, Chillicothe, Lima, Zanesville)
- OKLAHOMA (Oklahoma City)
- VIRGINIA (Richmond, Charlottesville, Hampton)
The PVO candidates will be certified by Driver Safety Instructors (DSIs) that they can safely operate the vehicles. The parties also agreed that, during the pilot program, the Postal Service will make available the required training to obtain a CDL for interested PVO employees who volunteer to be trained. Once CDL training has been completed, and a CDL license has been obtained, those PVO employees will be considered qualified for promotion to Motor Vehicle Operator (MVO) and Tractor Trailor Operator (TTO) positions. This language strengthens our position that the training of our CDL license holders and those Postal Service employees seeking a CDL license should be performed by our DSIs.
Pilot Program MOUs