Merger Guidelines
Merger Requests, New Local Requests
The APWU National Executive Board has established Merger Guidelines for the establishment of new union locals, the merging of existing locals and for jurisdictional issues. The Merger Guidelines supplement the APWU Constitution and Bylaws. Please note that a copy of the Local or Area Local’s current or proposed constitution and bylaws must be provided as indicated in the Merger Guidelines.
The Merger Guidelines outline the procedures concerning the formation of Area Locals, Local Union Mergers, Members-At-Large (MAL) mergers with either a Local or Area Local, the method of the disaffiliation of existing mergers, dissolving a Local, new facilities or installations, non-mail processing facilities, and excessing of offices, facilities or installations.
Accompanying the Merger Guidelines are the Implementation Forms. These forms are to be completed by the involved parties wishing to initiate one of the actions described above. The Merger Guidelines indicate the appropriate form(s) that must be completed for each procedure.
Checklists for each of the actions described above are included in the Merger Guidelines to ensure that all necessary documents are received and all requests are processed in a timely manner. All language in bold was amended and adopted by the National Executive Board on January 15, 2019.
If you wish to print a complete copy of the Merger Guidelines or Implementation Forms, please click on the hyperlinks below for the appropriate document:
Merger resources