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Group A
Issues=Excessing by Seniority .vs Juniority

Step 4 Settlement Agreement: Article 12; Principles of Seniority, Posting and Reassignment (1982)

December 30, 1982

Document Type: Step 4 Agreement

Craft: Clerk

APWU National Grievance Number: H1C5DC4988

Principles of Seniority, Posting and Reassignment, Excessing by Seniority .vs Juniority


September 25, 2012

This memorandum represents the parties' agreement with regard to clerk craft employees who are being involuntarily reassigned into clerk craft vacancies in other installations, after being excessed from their present installation. 1....

Document Type: Memorandum of Understanding

Craft: Clerk

excessing, Excessing by Seniority .vs Juniority