National Arbitration Award: Article 6; No Layoffs or Reduction In Force (2017)

No Layoffs or Reduction in Force , Article 12 , Principles of Seniority , Postings , and Reassignments

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The issue in this National Level Arbitration was whether the National Agreement requires the payment of severance pay when an employee accepts an offer of voluntary early retirement (VER) in conjunction with the Postal Service effecting a reassignment under Article 12, as it would if the offer was made in conjunction with a reassignment or, if necessary, layoff and reduction in force under Article 6.B.4.

Award: Arbitrator Das ruled that he was bound by the following provision in Article 15.5.A.6 of the National Agreement. In the opinion of the arbitrator, he had no authority to extend the entitlement to severance pay under Article 6.B.4 to employees who take VER offered in connection with a reassignment effected under Article 12; and similarly, the arbitrator had no authority to read into Article 12 a right to severance pay if an employee takes a VER offered in conjunction with implementation of the reassignment procedure in Article 12.

Document Type:  National Arbitration

APWU National Grievance Number:  Q06C4QC08268987

Arbitrator Name: Shyam Das

Tags: No Layoffs or Reduction in Force , Article 12 , Principles of Seniority , Postings , and Reassignments

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