APWU National Executive Board Calls for the Secretary of Labor to Resign

March 1, 2019
On Friday, March 1 the APWU National Executive Board unanimously passed the following statement: Alex Acosta is unfit to serve as Secretary of Labor...

Mailing List & Address Changes

February 27, 2019
There are a few ways in which a local union or state organization can update members’ addresses. 

Dues - When Changing Unions

February 27, 2019
No one wants to pay double dues when they transfer to one of the crafts represented by the APWU and join our union.

Member & Non-Member Lists

February 26, 2019
Local and state presidents can pull and print  a list of members or non-members for their organization by logging into the Members Only section of the website.  A copy of the list can also be e-mailed to a local or state president by requesting one...

West Virginia Teachers Strike and Win Again

February 20, 2019
On Feb. 19, almost a year after walking out of school and beginning a national movement of teacher and education workers strikes across the country, West Virginia workers struck again. This time teachers and school personnel walked out explicitly in...
