Join us Online for the Contract Negotiations Opening Day Kick-Off Rally

June 21, 2018
APWU invites all members and allies to join us online for the Contract Negotiations Opening Day Kick-Off Rally on June 25 at 7PM EDT. Several labor allies, political leaders, and community supporters will be joining in. We will be streaming the...

Steven G. Raymer, APWU Maintenance Division Director

June 18, 2018
Brother Steven G. Raymer, who served as the union’s Maintenance Division Director for the past 17 years, was on the union’s National Executive Board and a lifetime trade unionist passed away suddenly from a heart attack on June 16, 2018.  Steve was...

LIVE: Join the Town Hall Call

June 14, 2018
Click here to join the call today at 2PM and 7PM EDT  

Wear Your Sticker on June 26

June 14, 2018
June 26 is a big day for hundreds of thousands of postal workers and our families.  It’s the opening day of contract negotiations for our new collective bargaining agreement. June 26 is a day to stand up, speak out and show pride in our union and...

Show Solidarity on Union Gear Thursday!

June 14, 2018
Boston Metro Area Local Standing Strong & United on Union Gear Thursday! If your local is FIRED UP AND READY TO GO send union gear and contract action images to
