e-Team Report, Oct. 16, 2012
October 16, 2012
Obama Buttons, Flyers Now Available
Romney's Bain Selling Out American Workers to China
Romney Blasts Employee Free Choice Act
GAO Finds No Evidence of Voter Fraud
Your Vote
Gotta Vote
APWU, USPS Sign Agreement For Offices Without a Local Union Structure
October 15, 2012
The APWU signed an updated agreement Oct. 12, 2012, for Members-at-Large who work in small post offices that are not represented by a local union.
Women Vote 2012
October 15, 2012
The outcome of this year’s election will have a decisive impact on the rights of all working people, and as union members, we can help ensure that every voice is heard.
Obama Buttons, Flyers Now Available
October 11, 2012
The APWU is mailing buttons supporting the re-election of President Barack Obama to locals for distribution to union members and others, Legislative and Political Director Myke Reid has announced.
Atlanta Local Registers New Voters
October 11, 2012
The Atlanta Metro Area Local threw a “vote party” on Oct. 6 and 7 to encourage union members and community residents to register to vote and to support pro-worker candidates in next month’s elections.