‘Ask a Working Woman’ Survey

August 5, 2010
Working women have important opinions about the economy, health care, balancing work and family responsibilities, and jobs — and union leaders want to hear them!

APWU Honors Soldier for Extraordinary Service

August 5, 2010
Kevin Imholte, son of Minneapolis Area Local activists Brenda and Vern Wellman, was presented with a silver medallion on behalf of the APWU for his extraordinary military service.

Norton Urges USPS Stamp Committee To Honor Members Killed in 2001 Anthrax Attack

August 3, 2010
Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) urged Postmaster General Potter and the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Council to approve a commemorative postage stamp honoring the lives of two APWU members killed in the 2001 anthrax attacks.

OSHA Fines USPS For Safety Violations in Boston

August 3, 2010
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued the Postal Service nine “willful and serious” safety violations for exposing employees to electrical hazards at a Boston, MA postal facility.

OSHA Fines USPS For Safety Violations at Vermont P&DC

July 30, 2010
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) slammed the Postal Service with $420,000 in fines for willingly exposing employees to electrical hazards at the White River Junction Processing and Distribution Center (P&DC) in Vermont.
