Celebrating the Women of the APWU

February 17, 2010
In honor of the countless contributions that the women of the APWU make to their union, to the labor movement, and to their families, the National Executive Board has adopted a resolution designating March as “Women’s History Month.”

COLA Update

February 10, 2010
In January, the Consumer Price Index (CPI-W) rose to 633.176, well below the July 2008 index of 644.303 upon which the last COLA increase was based. 

Obama: Postal Privatization a ‘Bad Idea’

February 5, 2010
President Obama said in an interview posted on YouTube on Feb. 1 that privatization of the USPS would be a “bad idea.” He made the comment during a round of quick answers to questions posed by citizens.

Obama Budget Promises Strong Support for USPS

February 5, 2010
The Obama administration’s 2011 budget [excerpt] calls for a continuation of six-day mail delivery and says the White House “will work with the Postal Service, its employee unions, the Congress, and other stakeholders to make sure the Postal Service...

Union Urges Locals to File OSHA Complaints On Dangerous Instructions for Electrical Work

February 1, 2010
The APWU is urging local unions to file complaints with OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, following the publication by the Postal Service of instructions regarding electrical work – instructions the union believes violate OSHA...
