NRP Grievances Pending National-Level Grievances

Director of Industrial Relations Mike Morris has clarified the types of local- and regional-level grievances regarding the National Reassessment Process (NRP) that should be held in abeyance pending the outcome of Step 4 disputes at the national...

Don’t Outsource Postal Services

(Op ed by APWU President Mark Dimondstein in the Albuquerque Journal)  As the United States Postal Service confronts a changing future, those of us who work for the agency agree with the goals stated in a recent Albuquerque Journal editorial. The...

Appreciation Barbeques

The APWU Troop Appreciation Barbeque has become an annual tradition at the Mologne House. APWU members staff a "moon bounce" and operate carnival games for children who are visiting family members at the rehabilitation facility. They serve...

Barbara Easterling, Ruben Burks Re-elected as Leaders of the Alliance

The Alliance’s 2014 national convention took place in Las Vegas, Nevada on Monday through Thursday of this week.  On Tuesday, Barbara J. Easterling, who has been President of the Alliance since February of 2009, was re-elected to a four-year term. ...

Dealing With Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is on the rise in the United States. In all cultures the perpetrators of domestic violence are usually men and the victims are almost always women.
