Stand up to the American Legislative Exchange Council and Protect Pensions

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is a corporate-funded, “pay-to-play” lobbying group that brings corporations and state legislators together to craft “model” legislation. The “model bills” they craft, regrettably, put corporate...

Making a List and Checking It Twice

Retirees were smart. We started planning for the 2014 elections right after the 2012 presidential election. We began by paying close attention to the public statements of elected officials about issues that impact our wallets, our families and the...

APWU Vows to Stop the Great Postal Giveaway

(This article appears in the January-February 2014 edition of The American Postal Worker.)  In a deal that has been in the works at least since March 2012, the USPS announced in November that it was launching a pilot program to place postal retail...

e-Team Report, March 23, 2012

Postal Reform Bill on Senate Floor Next Week Sen. Mikulski Puts Hold on Postal Reform Bill Sen. Collins Criticizes USPS Proposed Cuts USPS Market Research on Consolidations: Revenue Losses Could Wipe Out Savings

A Risk in Going Part-Time

“What is the Part-Time Pro-ration Factor?” This continues to be the most-asked-about and talked-about subject in our retirement seminars.
