APWU Nurses Advised That Contract – Though Expired – Still Offers Protection

As the bargaining team for APWU-represented nurses prepares for interest arbitration hearings beginning in late March, Support Services Division Director Bill Manley assured the unit’s members that the terms of their expired contract remain in...

The Government Pension Offset Why It Should Be Repealed

During the last Congress, bills were introduced in the House and Senate to repeal the Government Pension Offset provision of current Social Security law. Although the legislation had many co-sponsors, it never made it out of committee for a vote in...

e-Team Report, March 23, 2012

Postal Reform Bill on Senate Floor Next Week Sen. Mikulski Puts Hold on Postal Reform Bill Sen. Collins Criticizes USPS Proposed Cuts USPS Market Research on Consolidations: Revenue Losses Could Wipe Out Savings

Tribute Month for Seniors

May is Older Americans Month. Every president since John Kennedy has issued an annual proclamation asking the nation to pay tribute to its seniors.

Postal Reform – At the 11th Hour

With the expiration of a moratorium on the consolidation and closure of mail processing plants and post offices approaching, there has been a tremendous amount of activity about postal legislation on Capitol Hill — and a tremendous amount of...
