e-Team Report, April 12, 2013

President Guffey Calls on USPS to Halt Consolidations Until Congress Acts Postal Service Protection Act Gains Co-Sponsors in the House and Senate Congressional Leaders Begin Work on Postal Reform House Committee to Hold Postal Hearing Next Week ...

Updated list of 8,000 HCR Routes for Possible Conversion to PVS Routes

The USPS recently provided the APWU with a list of approximately 8,000 HCRs (Highway Contract Routes) for review.  Unfortunately, management did not mark or identify what was new versus what was sent in a list of 4,000 HCRs that was provided to the...

Be Informed About Medicare

issues/joinstay-involvedMedicare Open Season is Jan. 1 through March 31 for those who have missed their regular enrollment period. Eligible postal employees and retirees are encouraged to look into the benefits of enrolling in this federal health...

Safety Hazard on APPS Prime Function May Cause Serious Injury and Loss of Life

APWU members are advised not to use the “prime function” to pre-load belts on APPS (Automated Package Processing System) machines.

Dispute Over Subcontracting AMC Work

The APWU recently initiated a Step 4 dispute over the Postal Service’s proposal to subcontract bargaining unit work (tender and receipt of mail) at 14 Air Mail Centers/Facilities.
