More on New FECA Regulations

The March-April 2012 issue of  The American Postal Worker addressed significant changes to the administrative policies of the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA). Other important changes are outlined below.  

Veterans' Resources

The men and women of the armed forces have served each of us through military service to our country. The liberties we enjoy today have been won through their sacrifice. Many of our APWU brothers and sisters have served or are currently serving, and...

Departmental Commitment

A new year is a good time to reflect on special people whose paths have crossed our lives during the past year, such as family members, co-workers, neighbors or other members of the community, or even former schoolmates. It also is a time to say...

Dispute Initiated Over Revisions to Contract Postal Unit Handbook

The Union has initiated a national dispute over the issuance of a new Publication 156, "Postal Employees Guide to Contract Postal Units", that replaces the Handbook AS-707-F, "Contracting for Contract Postal Units."
