Settlement on Contract Postal Unit Dispute

The issue in this case concerned whether it is a violation of the National Agreement for the Postal Service to give a contract for a "Contract Postal Unit (CPU)" to a contractor who doesn’t own the property or facility where the CPU is being...

Casual Compliance Reports Archive

This page contains casual compliance reports from pay periods covered by the provisions of the 2000-2006 Collective Bargaining Agreement. See the 2000 contract for the applicable provisions of Article 7.1.B.

DOT Tractor-Trailer Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy

USPS employees who operate tractor-trailers and 7-ton and 9-ton trucks, as well as mechanics who repair them, fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation(DOT) regarding drug and alcohol testing, in accordance with regulations...

Privatization Merits ‘Serious Consideration,’ Panel Says

The National Academy of Public Administration, an organization chartered by Congress to provide advice to government leaders, recently evaluated a proposal to privatize all postal operations except delivery and concluded the idea “merits serious...
