USPS Instructs Facilities Not to By-Pass Biohazard Detection Systems On Their AFCS

The APWU recently became aware that postal facilities with the Biohazard Detection System (BDS) on their Advanced Facer-Canceler Systems (AFCS) machines have made local decisions to by-pass the AFCS and utilize alternate canceling equipment (such as...

Long-Term-Care Insurance

We appreciate our independence. However, as we age, many of us will need help performing everyday activities such as dressing, bathing, and moving from room to room. Our memory may deteriorate to the point that it impacts our ability to reason.

Resource Management Database (RMD) Settlement

A pre-arbitration settlement (USPS #Q98C-4Q-C 01005505) concerning the Postal Service’s Resource Management Database (RMD) and its web-based enterprise Resource Management System (eRMS). 

Veterans' Resources

The men and women of the armed forces have served each of us through military service to our country. The liberties we enjoy today have been won through their sacrifice. Many of our APWU brothers and sisters have served or are currently serving, and...
