The Senior Vote Matters

Sometimes our readers don’t want to learn the truth about a candidate. Some members ask why we write about politics, but sharing information with APWU retirees is part of my responsibility as your director. The quality of our lives is in the hands...

Award on Applicability of TCOLA to Promotion Pay Anomaly Payments [pdf]

This is an NALC case in which the APWU intervened. The issue was whether the Postal Service's failure to pay Territorial COLA (TCOLA) as part of the promotion pay anomaly payments due under the June 13, 1990 Memorandum of Settlement of case number...

No Consensus So Far on Extension of Unemployment Benefits

Negotiations to extend emergency benefits for the long-term jobless came to a standstill in the Senate on Tuesday. That leaves more than 1.4 million people without federal unemployment aid at least until late January, when lawmakers are likely to...

Postal Nurses Merge With APWU

In an overwhelming vote of 51 to 9, on Aug. 17 the National Postal Professional Nurses (NPPN) voted to merge with the American Postal Workers Union.

Preserve Private-Sector Jobs in Southern Ohio

An APWU drive to organize several hundred workers at DHL’s ABX “hub” in southwestern Ohio has shifted gears: The APWU is now at the forefront of a community-based campaign to try to preserve approximately 7,000 jobs.
