Protect Your FMLA and USERRA Rights

The APWU has received complaints from union members recently of instances where the Postal Service is violating their rights under federal law, most notably the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) and the Uniformed Services Employment and...

Raising Awareness to Save Lives

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently reported that every 13 minutes someone in the U.S. commits suicide. More than 38,360 Americans died by suicide in 2010.

OWCP Updates

The Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs has made several important changes in recent months. Below is a summary.

Dispute Over Unilateral Elimination of Local Individual Retirement Counseling

This dispute concerns revisions to Employee and Labor Relations Manual (ELM) Sections 569.1 and 589.1, Retirement Counseling. 

Activate Your List Protect Your Right to Vote

In the January-February issue of this magazine, I asked readers to make a list of contacts who will serve as a support network for the midterm elections. Now that you have your list together, it’s time to put it into action.
