Safety ‘Happy Talk’ Just Isn’t Enough

Postal officials frequently brag about their commitment to workers’ safety, but their actions don’t always line up with the “happy talk.”

e-Team Report, Feb. 1, 2013

Upcoming Senate Hearing on Postal Finances Who Is Your Legislative & Political Grassroots Coordinator? USPS Job Cuts Weigh Heavily on Minorities and Veterans  Postal Reform Can’t Wait! AFL-CIO’s Favors Comprehensive Immigration Reform that...

Do You Suffer From Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a disorder that occurs when a person’s breathing is briefly interrupted during sleep. Breathing pauses can last between 10 to 20 seconds and can occur frequently during the night. Chronic sleep deprivation from sleep apnea causes...

Two Wins, One Loss In Private-Sector Campaigns

APWU members ratified a “first contract” in late May for approximately 120 workers at the Cincinnati Mail Transportation Equipment Service Center. The workers at the private-sector MTESC operation are getting their first raise in six years.

Advance Directives Speak for You When You Can't Speak for Yourself

Less than 25 percent of Americans have expressed their thoughts in writing about how they want to be cared for at the end of their lives. Although most people avoid the subject, it's important to have an "Advance Directive" to ensure that your...
