Consolidation: Fighting Back

Following the consolidation of the Middlesex-Essex (MA) Processing & Distribution Center with the Boston plant in 2013, the national APWU and the Boston Area Local met with the USPS Office of Inspector General (OIG) to file a complaint about...

Long-Term Care A Problem Too Long Ignored

Our nation has too long ignored the need to address in a fiscally responsible manner the emerging long-term crisis facing seniors, baby boomers, and younger people with disabilities.

Sexual Harassment (Part 2)

Employees who are victims of sexual harassment often fail to report it because they are embarrassed and think nothing will be done to stop it. They fear reprisals, being labeled a troublemaker or prude, or being ridiculed.

Veterans, Savings, a Contentious Hearing

It’s rarely quiet in the legislative arena, and as past President Moe Biller was fond of saying, “The struggle continues.”  Senate bill 1950, which would have repealed a cut to cost-of-living adjustments for future military retirees, was defeated on...

Retirees Mark a Milestone

The APWU Retirees Department is 20 years old this year! The APWU now has 62 retiree chapters and over 37,000 members working in their communities to support important legislation; educating seniors on issues that will help them have a better quality...
