Consolidation: Fighting Back
Following the consolidation of the Middlesex-Essex (MA) Processing & Distribution Center with the Boston plant in 2013, the national APWU and the Boston Area Local met with the USPS Office of Inspector General (OIG) to file a complaint about...
Winterhaven Stand Down
Each year more than 1 million of our nation’s veterans are homeless. This is hardly the thank-you they deserve and hardly the thank-you they have earned. So, this January, the APWU plans to give a hand up to homeless and under served veterans during...
e-Team Report, Nov. 18, 2013
New Legislative & Political Director Marcotte Set on Mobilizing APWU Members for Legislative Victory
Dimondstein Vows to Broaden Support for Protecting Postal Service, Postal Jobs
Facing Opposition to Harmful Postal Bill, Committee Cancels...
Internal Strife Can Destroy the Family
We have heard it most of our lives: “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” That famous quote by President Abraham Lincoln referred to our national “house.” It certainly applies to our union, which is like a big family. We need unity to win...
Dispute Over Reassignment of APWU Bargaining-Unit Employees to Other Craft's Vacant Assignments
The APWU initiated a dispute over whether there is a disagreement between the parties regarding Article 12.5.C.5.a(4) or similar provisions of the National Agreement, and applicable provisions of handbooks and manuals, concerning reassignment of...