Fast Food Favorites

$10 gift cards to McDonald’s, Burger King, Church’s Chicken, Cinnabon, Nathan’s Famous, Pizza Hut, Starbucks, Subway and Taco Bell are an affordable way to say thank you to our hospitalized troops, as well as those returning from deployment to...

Questions About Veterans Preference

The following are APWU responses to frequently asked questions about Veterans' Preference:

Disputes Filed Over USPS Two-Tour Initiative

The APWU has filed two national-level disputes protesting the Postal Service’s nationwide program to eliminate or drastically reduce Tour 2 assignments and employees. The disputes, both filed Dec. 16, recap many of the allegations made by the union...

Dispute Over Reassignments of Partially Recovered Employees

This grievance involves the failure of the USPS to use craft seniority when making wholesale rehab/limited duty assignments after reassessing all of the medically restricted assignments in an installation. 

BQnet Settlement

This settlement concerns the Postal Service’s creation of an electronic database to replace the Handbook EL-303, “Qualification Standards – Bargaining Unit Positions.”
